CERA is asking for ideas of how to rebuild Christchurch into an even better place that it was before the quakes. This site is an attempt to harness the ideas and knowledge of local cyclists and wanna-be-cyclists to create a persuasive vision of how Christchurch could become a world leader in urban recreation

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cyclling solutions - area by area

(New to this site? Then try starting here Whats it all about.)
Sometimes a idea is so damn good that many people come up with it almost at the same time. Taking all the red zone land next to the Avon and turning it into a park is one such idea. Thankfully, our friends in the Avon River Park group have already put the idea into works. Nevertheless, its a brilliant idea and would make an awesome addition to the cycle network east of the square.

Matthew Scott of St Martins takes the idea a little further and dreams of "leaving work early on a balmy summer evening to head out along the Avon River park to the south shore spit where I'll grab a ice cream at my favourite cafe and enjoy the smell of the see before heading back into town and then to home"