CERA is asking for submissions for how to rebuild Christchurch, which are due on 22nd July. This site is an attempt to harness the ideas and knowledge of as many local cyclists and want-to-be cyclists as possible to create a persuasive vision of how Christchurch could become a world leader in urban recreation See: The steps CERA should take to build a great cycle network
At the moment the vision is about:
1. Linking together our parks, and existing on road and off road cycleway segments into a coherent network of continuous cycle routes. This will make it easy for people (including current no-cyclists) to identify safe, enjoyable cycle routes. See: Ideas for creating an awesome cycle way network
2. Adding value to our communities by creating a pleasant environment around the cycle routs and adding off road single track where possible for recreational cycle and running use. See Recreation should start from home
3. Getting local communities (the 'experts' on a particular locality) involved in designing and building these green corridors. See Cycling solutions - area by area
(It is worth noting that the CCC has been done a good job in improving urban design in the last few years as can be seen in the South West District plan(2009). However, the earthquake has provided us with an opportunity to make more substantive changes to Christchurch and how we do that is what this web site is about.)
Why should we (Christchurch) do this?
1. To make Christchurch a great place to live and work to help us attract high quality and innovative people to live here and grow our business capability.
2. To improve the quality of our air and freeing up the roads (thus making it possible for everyone to get quickly round the city when they need to) by taking cars off the road
3. Improving the quality of life for many Christchurch people by helping them experience the emotion and physical benefits of regular exercise by providing recreational opportunities close to home.
4. Reduce the health costs associated with illnesses of modern lifestyle such as diabetes, obesity etc. The health benefit of each mile commuted has been measured by a Danish study to be $0.25-$1.0 per mile commuted by bike.
5. To provide a safe environment for children and young adults to travel and experiment on their own terms in order to develop well-balanced, emotionally stable, adaptable people.
How you can get involved:
1. Demonstrate your support for creating world class cycle routes in Christchurch by liking our facebook page.
2. Encourage people in your social networks to support our facebook page.
3. Adding your thoughts of how we can implement this vision in your local area and in Christchurch in general. You might like to add photos, ideas from here and abroad of ideas that work.
4. Add your name to the list of local 'experts' and put your name down to take an active part in making this vision happen.
How would you like to see this vision implemented? How can we share this vision with the people and politicians of Christchurch?
Please comment below (using either facebook or blogger). Your ideas will be incorporated into the document and ideas credited to you.
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